Russley School - Milestone for Building #2!


Students and faculty returning to Russley School today after their holiday break will be greeted with exciting progress on the construction site. Last week marked a significant milestone with the pouring of the concrete foundation for Building #2.


In a coordinated effort, 31 concrete truck loads were delivered over a span of 3 hours, commencing amidst the morning fog at 7am. The team of 18+ skilled individuals from Hawkins and their contractors ensured a smooth operation and a successful outcome.


A big thank you is owed to Hawkins, Bartlett Concrete Placing, Steel & Tube, and TC Steel Fixing for their diligent efforts. It's awesome to witness the building beginning to take shape!


Special acknowledgment goes to the Hawkins team for capturing some great shots of the days’ action.

#ministryofeducation #RussleySchool #Hawkins #BCNarchitects #BaldassoCorteseNoordanus #educationarchitecture #architecturenz #education #SchoolDesign #InnovativeLearningEnvironments

#BartlettConcretePlacing #Steel&Tube #Milestones #TeamEffort