Baldasso Cortese was commissioned to undertake the master planning and partial Schematic Design works. Waitakiri Primary School is the new name of the merger of Burwood and Windsor Primary Schools in the north-eastern suburbs of Christchurch affected by the earthquake of 2011. 

The master plan was developed through an interactive and inclusive process with the school, Board of Trustees, students and the community. A thorough and extensive interrogation of the School’s understanding of their Vision, Values and Modern Learning Environments was undertaken.

The Board visited Melbourne to tour Modern Learning Environments designed by Baldasso Cortese and other architects. The group was able to engage with the schools, staff and student to understand and appreciate how to achieve better pedagogical outcomes in their school. 


waitakiri primary school

Christchurch | New Zealand

Value   $12m
Status  Schematic Design Completed


Waitakiri Primary School