276 Flinders Street

Melbourne | Victoria

Value    $30m
Status  Ongoing

Since 2001 Baldasso Cortese has been responsible for the redevelopment of 276 Flinders Street, one of the Cities most significant properties. Originally constructed for the Commonwealth Bank in 1967 and now privately owned by Fivex Commercial Property , the entire retail level as well as the 16 storey podium and tower offices have been completely revitalised.

Podium floors have been converted into retail, fitness centre and childcare while the ground floor have been transformed into high yielding food and retail shops, successfully re-positioning the building commercially. 

The next stage of development is the construction of a 4,600sqm tower building on the northern podium, to be completed in 2018.  This technically complex project will provide a new 5 level office building in lightweight steel and timber construction accessed via a bridge-link from the existing tower lobby.  The design is innovative, contemporary and highly sustainable.


Fivex Property